Snälla baxa inte nån av texterna .. Isf skriv att det är jag som gjort dom.

"You promised me we'd  never be apart, and then u broke my heart. And now i'm falling apart, cause you where my heart."

"They said my scars would be healing, but right now, they're all i'm feeling."

"All night all i do is cry, and you are the reason why"

"I'm still waiting for my scars to heal, but right now, they're all i feel"

"I'm going crazy when you're not here, cause all i want is to have you near"

"Boy, why can't you see, how much you mean to me ?"

"I love you, but that's something i can't confess, cause you've caused my heart all this mess"

Follow : Båda hela.
Mistake : Båda hela.
Goodbye : Bella första, Nicole Andra.
Grenade : Nicole första, Bella andra.
Impossible :
What are words : Bella första, Nicole andra, Bella Emmy ref.

Postat av: Emmy<3

Men varför får inte jag vara med på alla? :O Vi ska ju liksom spela in hon mig?<3

2011-08-12 @ 20:30:17

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